EuroCloud Star Audit - Auditor

ECSA Auditor (AA) A person who carries out the ECSA audits. Must be associated to an Audit Organisation (AAO) and be trained by a senior Auditor, who has several years of audit experience.

ECSA Senior Auditor (sAA) An accredited auditor who is allowed to conduct ECSA training course for individuals who want to be accredited as an ECSA-AA. Therefore, the ECSA-AA is differentiated as a Senior Accredited Auditor (ECSA-sAA).

Rights of an ECSA-AA

  • Act as AA and AB and perform ECSA audit tasks for an AAO.
  • Use the ECSA online assessment services.
  • Auditors with an active and valid AA accreditation who are associated to the AAO receive a full exemption from the ECSA annual membership fee.
  • Be accredited additionally as a Trainer (AT) or Consultant (AC). If this individual is associated as a AT to an ATO or as a AC to an ACO receive a full exemption from the AT/AC annual membership fee.
  • Only an individual person is authorised to be accredited as AA.
  • The AA is only authorised to execute audit tasks which are covered by, and included in, a valid ECSA contract between an audited CSP and an AAO.
  • The AA is only authorised to execute the ECSA audit tasks if they have been mandated and contracted by the AAO for the specific audit tasks within this ECSA contract.
  • The AA is not authorised to mandate other persons, organisations or subsidiaries, parent organisations, branch offices or any other organisation or company to perform the ECSA audit tasks.
  • If the AA was acting as an ECSA-AT or AC and has offered consulting or training services to a CSP within a self-certification or to achieve the ECSA, the AA is not authorised to offer or execute auditing tasks within the ECSA to that same CSP.
  • There are several different role-descriptions for an AA.
    • AA-legal: Auditors with legal expertise
    • AA-tec/sec: Auditors with technical/security expertise
    • AA-tec/pro/org: Auditors with technical/organisational/process expertise
  • The AA has to specify and prove which of the named qualifications they will be able to cover during an ECSA