Obligations of an ECSA-Partner

An ECSA-Partner is obligated to:

  • Apply to become accredited as an ECSA-Partner.
  • Individuals have to carry out and pass the accreditation test successfully.
  • Pay the ECSA-Partner test fee of € 50.- (if applicable)
  • Pay the annual ECSA-Partner membership fee (if applicable)..
    • The ECSA-Partner is contracted to and communicating with ECE. In the case of there being a Chapter (ECSA-ACH) in a particular country, the ACH is acting as the local ECSA representative of ECE responsible for managing and promoting and monitoring all ECSA related activities in that country.
    • The ECSA Chapter is not in charge of the accreditation of an individual or an organisation. This, as does the right to develop and maintain the ECSA catalogue, the Audit Scope and the Assessment Tools, remains exclusively to the ECE.
  • Publish the ECSA-Partner Logo on the official website.

An ECSA Partner accepts that

  • The intellectual property of ECE e.g the catalogue, audit scope, online tools like the Academy, test & training material and assessment tools remain the  exclusive intellectual property of ECE.
  • He is not allowed to make any changes in the Catalogue content, Audit Scope, Framework of the ECSA process, accreditation process or audit process.
  • He does not have the right to use the catalogue or the audit scope information in any other tool, publish it online or distribute it regardless of whether this is concerning cost or within a special business model.

An ECSA Partner obligated to

  • Familiarise himself with the ECSA audit criteria provided.
  • Know (only ECSA Consultants, Trainers and Auditors) the ECSA content in detail, criteria and procedures as well as an overview of necessary, local certification rules, according to local legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Familiarise himself with new and updated documents and procedures as soon as new versions have been provided by the ECSA management. (i.e. new questionnaire).
  • Carry out new and established ECSA-training and tests that are categorised “obligatory” during an active status as ECSA-Partner.
  • Participate in ECSA online Web training which will be held twice a year.
  • Inform ECE about a potential need to adopt new content or change existing content or procedures of the ECSA particular to the country in which the work is being performed.