Building Trust in Cloud

23. September 2014, 08:30 - 18:00

The purpose of this event is to bring together various cloud initiatives and research projects and other interested stakeholders. Venue: BRZ Wien.

Organising parties are:

  • the SECCRIT consortium, which is a FP7 Project coordinated by AIT, investigating cloud computing for critical infrastructures, the event will be in conjunction to SECCRIT’s annual User and Advisory Board workshop
  • EuroCloud who represents a striving community for cloud provider certification – the event will be in conjunction with EuroCloud’s quarterly EuroCloud brunch
  • EURITAS together with BRZ who host the event and represent the governmental cloud infrastructure provider also partners on the FP7 project CloudforEurope which identifies obstacles, finds innovative solutions and builds trust in European cloud computing.

Additionally work from other research projects will be presented in poster sessions. Goal of the event is it to get feedback for the individual initiatives and projects from potential beneficiaries and experts in the domain on the outputs and to discuss issues relevant for shaping the future of cloud computing.


Morning Session: Eurocloud Brunch with IBM, Schneider-Electrics, X-Tech

08:30 Registration
09:00 Welcome, Eurocloud Austria Topics
09:30 Cloud yesterday, today and tomorrow, panel discussion
10:30 Presentation of the newest White Paper of Eurocloud Austria
10:50 Start up
11:00 Break

Further information