Seite 113 - Cloud Migration Version 2012 english

In Austria, an invoice issued electronically is deemed orderly if the recipient 
agrees to this and the integrity of the content is warranted in the case of 
electronic invoices. An electronic signature in the sense of the Signature Act 
can warrant this in line with an Ordinance issued by the Federal Minister of 
Finance. The genuineness and integrity must be guaranteed for seven years. 
In Switzerland, electronically issued invoices that are relevant for input tax, 
taxation, or other tax purposes are accepted if the origin and integrity can 
be demonstrated. To guarantee this condition, a digital signature is required 
for the transferred data. The requirements for an electronic signature in the 
VAT field are the same as those fulfilled by advanced signatures. The 
principle that the tax payer is responsible for demonstrating the tax relieving 
Can using Cloud computing lead to a tax obligation in another country? 
Domestic taxation cannot be generally be shifted to a different country 
simply by using Cloud services. To allow this to happen, a permanent 
establishment would need to be founded in that country. What all 
definitions of the term permanent establishment have in common is that 
this is a fixed facility which must be subject to the business owner's power 
of disposition. For this reason, the use of Cloud computing did not typically 
lead to a shift of the taxation requirements for the Cloud service user.
It needs to be investigated on a case‐by‐case basis whether or not a (new) 
obligation to pay taxes in a different country could be founded. This could 
possibly be the case if a state in which e.g. a server is located where these 
attacks on its output. Could it then be that the customer is liable for 
taxation? This cannot be ruled out. In case of uncertainty, it is advisable to 
seek fiscal advice locally or to transfer the physical risk to the provider under 
the contract.  
In the case of cross‐border procurements of services within a company 
group, all between affiliated enterprises, the business owner must also be 
aware of the topic of internal prices. 
VAT‐related consequences 
When services are procured in the scope of Cloud computing VAT‐related 
questions typically related to the location at which the services are 
provided. The question whether or not VAT must be paid, who was 
responsible for paying it and what tax rate is applied, will depend on this 
question. Another decisive factor is what status the recipient of the service