Seite 146 - Cloud Migration Version 2012 english

otherwise tied up in corresponding investments can be used 
The strategic framework for Cloud projects 
In the book, "The Art of Thinking about Money", André Kostolany (stock 
market and financial expert, 1906‐1999) predicted the consolidation and 
concentration of the Internet industry as a logical economic development. 
Today we are witnessing how the prophecy of this seasoned stock market 
expert is being fulfilled in Cloud computing with commodity services from IT 
service providers on the Internet becoming the standard. Just as no‐one 
thinks twice about the complex processes and technologies that interact to 
give us power from the wall socket, in the future we will give as little 
thought to the use of IT services, as is already the case today for private e‐
mail services.  
In order to have success with Cloud computing, companies need to see and 
vision the biger picture with the development of a comprehensive IT‐
strategy and a plan to implement it. Companies face the followings types of 
key questions: How can Cloud computing support our business goals? Which 
Cloud services do we need? Which strategy will help us use this trend for 
our objectives?  
Prior to the actual selection of Cloud services or planning their 
organisational and technical integration into the company, strategic aspect 
needs to be considered. It is not just about taking a look at the IT 
department and the technology involved, but also the context of the 
corporate strategy in general. The following list provides a number of the 
key considerations when defining a strategic framework: 
What benefits are to be expected through the use of Cloud services? 
What existing risks can be avoided or reduced? 
What additional risks could arise through the use of Cloud services 
and how can they be addressed? 
What company processes could potentially benefit from Cloud 
Which legal and organisational requirements must be followed?