Seite 151 - Cloud Migration Version 2012 english

In the next step, concrete Cloud scenarios are developed, Cloud services are 
selected, and an estimate made of the effort necessary to introduce the 
Cloud. In the case of a favourable risk‐benefit ratio, a detailed business case 
can then be prepared so as the pave the way for a final decision. 
Planning costs 
Cloud computing is currently only at the beginning of its development and, 
therefore, also of the possibilities that this technology and its 
implementation offer. Currently, many projects are already being 
implemented, and models for cost calculation and comparison with 
classical" IT solutions already exist. However, quantitative estimates should 
not be given too much significance. Concrete cost comparisons depend very 
much on the environment, the applications used, business processes and 
the organisation of the company as well, and therefore require an individual 
If Cloud computing is utilised properly, savings will result almost 
automatically due to standardisation and automation and the advantages of 
economies of scale. To what extent these savings are passed on to 
customers depends on the respective provider.  
At this point in time, it is often advisable to first approach Cloud computing 
on a project by project basis, and thus gain experience in manageable 
phases. However, the first attempts should not involve core areas of the 
company services and day to day business management processes. There 
are many SMEs who still do not have a software‐based customer 
relationship management (CRM) or a collaboration platform (collaborative 
document management). For these, it would be a good opportunity to take 
a new approach in these areas and establish new functions in the enterprise 
by means of Cloud computing. 
In the long term, the experience won here can flow into planning more 
extensive use of Cloud computing. In the process, the application examples, 
which are increasingly tailored for specific industries and functional areas, 
will provide useful orientation. 
Risk management 
The use of Cloud services includes a number of risks that go beyond the risk 
of an application used within a company. It is therefore essential that a risk 
analysis for the specific situation of the company is performed before the 
selection, use, and operation of Cloud services.