Seite 157 - Cloud Migration Version 2012 english

Planning the migration 
In a migration, a system is transitioned from its initial state to a target state. 
The Migration encompasses all steps necessary to achieve this transition. 
Important preconditions are that the initial state as well as the target state 
are known and can described in a suitable way. Information about the initial 
state can generally be gathered from: 
The internal IT department  
Specialists for migration support  
Using a questionnaire supplied by the Cloud provider 
It is important that all relevant facts, configurations, settings, quantities, etc. 
be taken into account. Experience has shown that only in the rarest of cases, 
even with good documentation, is the “current system” described in 
sufficient detail. 
A description of the target state can be obtained from: 
The internal IT department in cooperation with specialists from the 
Cloud provider. 
Specialists for migration support. 
The previous experience of the Cloud provider. In this case, however, 
the description should be cross‐checked for completeness and 
understandability by the planning team. 
Once the target and initial states have been sufficiently documented, the 
next step is to plan the migration. In the process, the following must be 
taken into account: 
All technical and organisational steps before the migration. The goal 
should be to work out all prerequisites for the start of the migration.  
All the steps during the migration. For this, it is recommendable to 
identify several milestones at marked or critical points of the 
migration. These steps generally lead to a "GO" decision.  
All steps that are necessary after a "GO" decision until normal 
operations can be resumed.  
All steps that are necessary after a "NO‐GO" decision in order to 
restore the initial state.