Seite 17 - Cloud Migration Version 2012 english

will be done over the Internet, they will also be distributed via the Internet 
and therefore immediately available for use worldwide. 
Machines and electrical devices are controlled by sensors and these in turn 
produce masses of data, so that "big data" is spoken of in this context. If this 
log data is evaluated effectively, new insights can be gained, which on the 
one hand lead to optimisation and further development of just these 
machines and devices, and on the other hand form the basis for new 
technologies of the future. 
This leads to a growth scenario for companies in all industries, which 
enables companies to do more than just optimise primarily internal 
processes, as has been the case until now. Beyond that, with the help of the 
Cloud, companies have the chance to expand their portfolio of services and 
open up new areas of revenue. It will be of crucial importance that a culture 
of learning is promoted in the companies and that employees become 
prepared for a job in the information age that has still very much in it’s 
infancy. As the rate of innovation across all sectors increases significantly, 
the control and implementation of the change processes will be a 
permanent element of corporate management. 
In view of this foreseeable development of future growth, the question of 
how companies, especially small and medium‐sized businesses, can deal 
with these masses of data, does not even pose itself. In this future world it is 
likely few organisations will be able to afford the necessary investments in 
their own IT together with the pool of trained employees needed to run it. 
In order to survive in view of such a scenario, there remains only one 
alternative: The Cloud.  
In a few years, the above scenario will have become reality, whether we like 
it or not. Today's concerns about data protection and data security will be 
far less prominent, as early concerns about the risks of mobile telephones. 
One can certainly say, the Cloud is the Internet of the future as it forms the 
basis for the information processing of the future.  
There is no alternative to the Cloud. Those who do not give attention to its 
adoption will have missed the boat tomorrow.  
A Fictional story ‐ Clever Inc. enters the Cloud 
The following story is pure fiction; the names were chosen at random and 
any relationship to real persons and companies is explicitly ruled out.