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staff can see the customer history via their iPads on the road and can store 
offers directly. This has also helped to promote lean workflows in sales. "All 
told, we are now 30% more productive due to many manual steps, such as 
creating reports or billing of project orders which no longer need to be 
done." Says the CEO. He mainly attributes this to the fact that the 
application connects all of the company's divisions. There is no need to 
enter information multiple times. An applicant's data ends up in the HR 
application as soon as the applicant is taken on. In addition to this, project 
managers see, in the planning phase, which of their staff are on holiday or 
otherwise engaged without needing to access another application to do so. 
A similar thing applies to Heliotron, whose extremely complex commission 
model was automated to a great extent thanks to the new solution. 
Intelligent incentive mechanisms may drive turnover, but they previously 
caused an enormous administrative overhead. "We needed some eight 
person/days per month to compute commission. Today we are done in 15 
minutes" Schneeberger explains. The warehouse staff now pick and pack 
product variants using a scanner and a laptop, and SAP Business ByDesign 
updates the stock and prints an invoice immediately. Because all 
transactions are entered in real‐time, the management are aware of 
capacities and can order to reflect requirements.  
ubigrate GmbH: Container management 
Geqoo Boxes is a standard SaaS solution for container management. It was 
developed by ubigrate GmbH and is operated for customers in a datacentre. 
The system is multilingual and multi‐client capable.  
One of the clients is Pool Packaging GmbH & Co. KG, whose business model 
is based on renting foldable, returnable load carriers and external packaging 
for hygiene‐relevant goods. To be able to assert itself on the market in the 
long term, Pool Packaging relies on quality, efficiency and above all a high 
level of transparency in terms of how many containers of a specific type are 
used for how long in a customer's supply chain. 
Geqoo Boxes is used to identify individual containers in a pool of several 
thousands, locate the containers, register their status and compute the 
billing data. Mobile data acquisition systems with RFID and barcode 
scanners are located at various depots; the acquired movement data are