Seite 21 - Cloud Migration Version 2012 english

Department in particular had to improve, he had called in professional 
support and engaged a well‐known Cloud consultant by the name of Sam 
Smart. Also, Max wanted the meeting to be as efficient as possible, 
prompting him to appoint management coach Carl Consensus as the 
workshop moderator. 
Even though the participants didn't always agree during daily business, 
there had even been some genuine disputes, the closed doors approach of 
this event and the attractive surroundings gradually bonded them into a 
homogeneous, target‐oriented team. Carl Consensus had made a substantial 
contribution thanks to his methodical approach. He had repeatedly called on 
the participants to be creative, to think outside of the box, and had paid 
close attention to avoiding letting ideas that had been put forward be shot 
down with negative view points, managing the discussion in a target‐
oriented, objective way that avoided personal attacks. 
The strategy weekend was a great success: It was a pleasant surprise for 
Max that the group had also come up with some interesting new business 
options. In any case, he had succeeded in making it clear to his management 
team that things had to change and that this would mean significant 
changes for the existing organisation and ingrained processes. Each of the 
participants was aware that this was probably the biggest challenge. 
Max had also succeeded in explaining the importance of new IT procedures, 
in particular, Cloud based solutions. Everyone was now fully aware that this 
would present distinct opportunities and make it possible to implement 
ideas much faster. The IT manager at Clever Inc.was also satisfied, because 
the group had managed to develop a strategy in the course of the weekend, 
and everyone was aware that IT security was still crucial and had to be taken 
into account. No one wanted to see their own company ridiculed in the local 
newspapers, due to a hacker manipulating the production machines, 
rendering them functionless. 
The participants had decided to develop a Cloud strategy and decided which 
applications should be procured in the Cloud, and which they would 
continue to manage internally. They also had to establish a clear‐cut 
catalogue of quality and security criteria for all applications, in order to be 
able to approve, or decline, new applications quickly in the future, based on 
the catalogue. Finally, they had even decided to migrate an application, 
previously only used by internal staff on smart phones and tablets, to the 
Cloud and make it available to customers and distributors. This idea was met 
with the greatest enthusiasm from all the participants, as they had all