Seite 40 - Cloud Migration Version 2012 english

simple answer is: Yes, it is highly likely over time. There is however always 
an adoption curve to new technology. Some customers are fast movers and 
some intentionally move slowly. As a means to understand how fast 
technology adoption is occurring we can look at a historical example 
showing how fast the technology shift from the mainframe and dumb 
terminal model to the client/server model happened during the years from 
to 1995. This technology shift could be considered as an equally big 
shift, from an architectural perspective, as Cloud computing is today. 
We see that over a 6 year period ‐ companies with a “mainframe only” 
approach changed from 75% to less than 25% over that period. This is a 
major technology shift, but it did not happen overnight, neither did it take 
years. It was a steady transition to a more modern platform. The same 
level of transition is currently happening with virtualization across servers, 
and a similar level of change is likely to happen with Cloud computing. 
Adoption of a major new technology typically happens over a period of five 
Figure 2: How convention shapes our market (Shana Greenstein, 1997)
Why is it cheaper for the supplier? 
In the beginning of this chapter we looked into how economy of scale works 
in favour for Cloud computing. However, we did not look into specific cost 
factors. Some of the important factors involved in a typical TCO calculation 
for a provider include energy, labour and hardware costs.