Seite 149 - Cloud Migration Version 2012 english

define, the impact that the change will have as early as possible. As a 
concrete step, it could be useful to carry out an internal assessment. This 
assessment could be conducted in the form a workshop, or a wider more 
searching analysis depending on the level of the change in hand.  
Preparing an assessment 
In addition to the usual points that must be observed in the implementation 
of IT related workshops and assessments, the following should be 
The people presently responsible for the service that will be replaced 
will be asked to summarise the operational issues and user problems 
from the last year. In particular, the problems from the perspective 
of the end user should be described.  
A group of users should be invited to join the workshop as 
knowledge carriers. As representatives of the specific departments, 
they can provide the necessary day‐to‐day business perspective for 
the preparation and decision process. 
Common assumptions and scenarios should be summarised, such as 
lack of internal administrator rights, externally imposed maintenance 
times, standardisation of error reports, higher safety standards, etc. 
These assumptions could, for example be derived from the operating 
standards of the Cloud service provider. 
The assessment procedure 
In the process and implementation of the assessment, the holistic view 
should be kept in the foreground, because the use of Cloud services will not 
be limited to one department or process but rather impact the entire 
company. The following points aid in the successful execution: 
The problem descriptions will be discussed in the team. One of the 
participants may have had this problem. Each participant will be 
given one, or more, problem(s) descriptions and asked to think the 
situation through from the users perspective.  
The participants will be questioned about their problem: "What do 
you do in this situation? "; "What steps do you take? " The responses 
serve in turn as the starting point for finding a solution. As a 
guideline, the participants should explain the previous solutions.