Seite 155 - Cloud Migration Version 2012 english

The move to Cloud services is a good opportunity to clean up the amassed 
data, that is, only to migrate the information actually required for ongoing 
operations. The existing data can be archived in an appropriate form. 
Through this clean‐up, use of the Cloud service can begin with a lower initial 
quantity and thus reduce start‐up costs (e.g., using inexpensive Cloud 
service packages). In exceptional cases, a Cloud provider might limit the use 
of resources like storage space. In such cases, a data clean‐up must also be 
carried out beforehand. The following steps should be taken to determine a 
framework for the IT infrastructure  needed: 
Identify the IT quantities for the framework in the form of a list. 
Classify which IT quantities are affected by the transition to Cloud 
services and which are not. Consequently, only the affected IT 
quantities should be dealt with.  
Determine the actual usage of the last year.  
Determine the monthly and yearly growth of the usage.  
In the course of the data clean‐up, the following steps should be performed: 
Determine if a clean‐up will allow you to start with inexpensive 
In the event that the Cloud provider has defined quantitative limits, 
determine whether the Cloud service is at all attractive considering 
the current IT quantities and taking predictable growth into account.  
Clarify whether the processes really need these quantities of data. 
Identify alternatives for storing or archiving the data that is not 
needed for the migration. 
Plan and prepare how the current situation is to be changed, how 
the data, if necessary, is to be cleaned up. Plan further steps as a 
Having less data to migrate means the migration is easier to perform. 
Implementing Cloud projects 
A transition (migration) to a Cloud service is something which is not part of 
day‐to‐day business for the majority of companies. A good preparation and