Seite 184 - Cloud Migration Version 2012 english

an external server, however, this results in additional upfront investments. 
The problem is exacerbated when multiple platforms at the same time 
different platforms, different IT service providers) are required. 
Using virtualisation in the Cloud, it is now possible to combine high quality 
service, fast setup times and low costs. For a current project in the insurance 
business two servers have been rented from the hosting provider Host 
Europe, one server with Windows and one server with Debian GNU / Linux. 
With virtual hosting, it is easy to upgrade to more hard disk space, more 
memory and CPU resources in case the demand for resources or computing 
power increases. 
The advantage of this is: 
No need to setup own infrastructure, including fail over systems for 
Internet, power supply or backups. 
Fast setup times and no need for high up‐front investments. 
Easy upgrade options guarantee long term scalability and good 
Due to development and operation on the virtualised server the 
external IT service provider has access to a separated server. This 
eases the security problem, e.g. there are separated file systems.  
In our recent project we developed two software modules which perform 
the handling of solvency checks and manage contracts and accounting tasks. 
This required the use of special tools, both for the development process and 
the after‐sales support. Thus, for our project two systems were required, a 
source code management tool and a defect management tool. 
Defect Management is being done with the trouble ticket system OTRS 
Open Ticket Request System), which runs on the Debian system. All issues, 
such as defects, problems, requests, etc., which arise on the customer side 
are collected with this system. 
For source code management the distributed version control system (DVCS) 
Git was chosen, which was installed on the Windows Server. 
The case study presented herein realises four advantages by the use of PaaS 
or IaaS. In the insurance sector, there are strict requirements for 
security/privacy and the handling of personal data (e.g. MiFID II, Basel III, or 
similar legislation). Therefore, alongside the, firstly simple and cost effective