Seite 186 - Cloud Migration Version 2012 english

Users of the environment 
Local authorities make up the majority of tenants in the immediate vicinity. 
Although the size of the tenants varies considerably, almost all of them use 
the same specialised applications to perform duties on behalf of citizens, 
ranging from registrations of residents and youth welfare services to the 
collection of dog licence fees. To enable migration to the new Cloud 
environment, therefore, only those products used by local authorities that 
are functionally identical but made by different producers and/or presented 
in different versions (image viewers, PDF generators and so on) will need to 
be standardised. In the context of DaaS, for example, the intention is to 
include a range of performance classes in the service catalogue so that the 
varying, role‐specific needs of users are met and the performance required 
to run applications can be guaranteed by the KIVBF. 
Aims of the new environment 
For the Cloud to be created, the KIVBF defined fundamental goals that 
included finding the ideal partner through a Europe‐wide invitation to 
tender. To establish the new platform, KIVBF set out to find a partner able 
to assist substantially in the realisation of these goals through a bid 
invitation process entitled ‘Framework agreement on the delivery and 
implementation of a virtualisation platform 2011’. The solution proposed for 
the network and server components by COMPAREX AG (with Antauris AG as 
subcontractor) was deemed to be the most suitable offer. 
On‐demand “self service“ 
Provisioning of resources to the tenants occurs automatically without any 
administrative interaction on the part of KIVBF; this goes hand in hand with 
as much automation as possible as regards processes and functions in the 
area of IT infrastructure service provision and downstream applications and 
services in the sense of XaaS (anything as a service).  
Broad network access 
The services are accessible online via standard mechanisms and not tied to a 
particular client or end device. KIVBF envisions a ‘natural’ BYOD model as 
the local authorities own the clients and no specifications are possible or 
Resource pooling 
The resources are part of a pool to which many users have access at the 
same time and without interference from one another (multi‐tenant model).