Seite 195 - Cloud Migration Version 2012 english

Dr. Ralf Blaha LL.M is a lawyer with Heid Schiefer Attorneys at 
Law, where he specialises in IT tender procedures, software 
copyright, data processing and internet law, providing advice 
to public sector and private sector clients as well as IT service 
providers for IT projects. He is a founding member of the 
Wissenschaftliche Interessensgemeinschaft für 
Informationsrecht  (a scientific community for information law 
in Austria ‐
) as well as a member of the Wiener 
Zentrum für Rechtsinformatik (Viennese Centre for 
Information Law). Ralf Blaha is lecturer at the Kärnten 
Carinthia, Austria) University of Applied Sciences, holds 
regular seminars and lectures, and publishes in the fields of 
public procurement and IT law.
Peter Brown
S. Barrington Ave #49719
Los Angeles, CA
Peter Brown is an official of the European Parliament currently 
on long‐term unpaid leave of absence and is now based in Los 
Angeles, working as an independent consultant advising 
Fortune 100 companies and many national governments on 
technology strategy. 
He is past Chairman and current Secretary of the Board of 
OASIS – the global industry consortium promoting open 
standards for the information society.
Peter's professional interests cover the use of standards in 
public administration; semantic technologies and interaction 
design; identity management and trust; Service Oriented 
Architecture; Cloud Computing; Smart Grid standards; 
Information Management.