Seite 57 - Cloud Migration Version 2012 english

Figure 3: Cloud‐Services‐Model (EuroCloud) 
The business scenario defines the type of Cloud computing to be used within 
the scope of a holistic strategy. As a general rule: The lower down in the 
levels of this model, the greater the degree of standardisation is, and the 
more universal the use cases are. The higher the level, the more customised 
the environment to customer requirements.  
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) 
The customer can rent the IT infrastructure such as space, air‐conditioning, 
network, servers through to the operating system along with corresponding 
operational monitoring on a subscription basis. They can then freely 
implement their application environments on this infrastructure. You could 
also view IaaS as a virtualised datacentre resource. Virtualisation 
technologies and large available network bandwidths lay the foundations for 
the Cloud as the most important underlying resources. Provisioning and 
automation of standardized services form the basis for the commercial 
appeal of this model. 
Examples of IaaS are Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud (AWS) or IBM’s 
Smart Enterprise Cloud", that is, IaaS with the option of concluding Service 
Level Agreements (SLAs) to ensure availability.