Seite 58 - Cloud Migration Version 2012 english

Platform as a Service (PaaS) 
As shown in the model, PaaS builds on infrastructure resources and is often 
referred to as ‘middleware’. This can be understood to contain all of the 
required runtime environments, applications, tools, databases, web services 
and so on. In other words, components that provide a standardised basis for 
the applications to be deployed, and which can also be put together in a 
modular way. These offerings give Cloud customers the ability to create or 
implement individual end to end business solutions. 
Examples of PaaS include Google's App Engine, IBM's Rational Portfolio and 
Microsoft Azure. 
Software as a Service (SaaS) 
The application level is currently the most frequently offered and discussed 
Cloud service. The "Software as a Service" distribution model has been 
around for a long time on the IT market and was added to the service 
platform model at a later stage. However, it only fulfills its claim to be a 
Cloud computing service if the offering is massively scalable, multi‐tenant 
capable and elastically flexible, as well as supporting other Cloud computing 
attributes . Customers use the software on a pay‐as‐you‐go basis and do not 
need to concern themselves with the underlying basic technologies (such as 
the infrastructure or platform). All components residing below it are part of 
the package price and typically even transparent for users. 
Examples of SaaS include Google Gmail, IBMs LotusLive, Microsoft Office 
CRM by, Netsuite, or 
Cloud Management as a Service (MaaS) 
Cloud Management as a Service provides the management framework for a 
private Cloud, or a Cloud Service. The customer themselves provision new 
resources (storage) or service and users.  
A company wants to implement a simple web application that gives its 
customers the ability to perform product queries. The first step in the 
project is to forecast the usage and derive the IT resource requirements 
from this assumption. The next step is to commission a programmer, design 
the websites and the database structure. The tool is then provided to the 
company's customers, and this is where a decision is made choosing not to 
operate the required hardware (infrastructure) in‐house, but to rent the 
hardware as IaaS from a Cloud service provider. For the initial phase of this 
project, a server with a local database and web server functionality is 
sufficient. The decision goes in favour of a server in Amazon's EC². The