Seite 6 - Cloud Migration Version 2012 english

What does ordering a coffee have to do with the Cloud 
A cup of coffee with milk, please." This is a simple order that leads to the 
conclusion of a purchase contract. At this point, most people will not be 
interested where the coffee beans came from, what kind of coffee machine 
was used, or how the milk froth was produced.  
A similar thing applies when you purchase some complex machines. If you 
are buying a car, you ask about the extras, the fuel consumption and the 
colour, but nobody asks about the innumerable, underlying supply 
relationships or the highly complex production processes. Everybody 
assumes that the quality assurance measures work and thus expect a vehicle 
that works, too. It is useful that clear‐cut product liability on the part of the 
seller automatically applies here, thus shifting the onus of risk off the 
purchaser's shoulders. 
In the fairly young IT industry this has been different, and it still is in part. 
The details, technology, interfaces, memory and many other things are 
discussed, purchased, maintained and operated by the purchasers 
It is precisely this that is now changing, much faster than IT itself has 
developed over the last 20 years. The Cloud has introduced a paradigm shift 
and therefore the way IT systems are created is changing, from 
individualised, small‐scale manufacturing to industrial production. This book 
explains the processes. 
The questions this book answers 
First and foremost, what is the "Cloud"? What has it changed already, and 
what will it change in the future? What options, opportunities and risks does 
it expose and what do you need to consider in every case? What is changing 
in corporate organisation and how can one ensure quality? 
Who this book is intended for 
This book is intended for managers and business owners who need to think 
about Cloud services, who want to know more about them, but perhaps are 
not themselves specialists. Our aim is to empower the reader of this book, 
during a transatlantic flight, or during a single weekend, to identify and 
understand all of the relevant aspects to Cloud adoption, enabling them to