Seite 62 - Cloud Migration Version 2012 english

Software Testing as a Service (STaaS) 
Today’s information systems are becoming increasingly complex and, with 
the increasing number of mobile devices, are also being distributed wide 
and becoming highly reactive. Due to this, quality requirements are a major 
concern. Depending on the sector, the diverse quality attributes (for 
example, functional correctness, performance, security, trust, usability or 
safety) have different priorities. Demonstrating that the software fulfills the 
required quality attributes includes establishing appropriate software 
engineering methods, verification, and validation techniques. Software 
testing, if carried out systematically and well‐founded, is nowadays 
considered as an important task during the software life‐cycle as software 
testing is an evidence‐based technique. This firstly allows one for the 
identification of faults and secondly establishes trust into the behavior of 
the software. Testing is an important instrument that can provide insight 
into the (sector specific) quality of software. However, testing has to be 
embedded into the quality management of an organisation and therefore 
does not solely cover technical issues. Integration into quality management 
and the process landscape is equally important than mastering adequate 
usage of testing tools. Activities around testing are typically grouped into 
test levels. Most common are three levels: 
Developer Tests
With these tests the development team 
demonstrates that the specific quality attributes are fulfilled. Mostly 
these tests address functional aspects. 
System Tests
With these tests the supplying party (business unit, 
software supplier) demonstrates that the system meets the 
functional and non‐functional quality attributes. 
Acceptance Tests
With these tests the accepting party confirms that 
the software meets the expectations. 
Ideally STaaS could eliminate the need for testing the clients application on 
their own infrastructure, meaning there is no need for the client to set up 
an, often costly, test infrastructure that resembles the productive 
environment. However, upfront investments in testing do not end at the 
infrastructure level. STaaS strives to eliminate the need for investments in 
test tooling, tooling for quality assurance, and the various support tools for 
systematic and structured testing (risk management, resource management, 
and quality dashboards). Although there are various reasons for using STaaS, 
in practice there is a mixture between in‐house testing and STaaS. The 
reason for this is that for different types of testing (functional tests, testing