Seite 63 - Cloud Migration Version 2012 english

data quality, integration tests, security tests, compliance tests, non‐
functional tests like load‐ and performance tests), the economies of scale 
and thus the tradeoff between risks and benefits) apply to different 
degrees. In the following we briefly discuss the drivers for STaaS (and test 
outsourcing) including the controversial issue regarding near shoring vs. far 
shoring specific test services.
Technical prerequisites for Cloud use 
Changing the IT landscape or using the Cloud always involves a 
standardisation and centralisation process upfront. Standardisation on 
business logic, applications and parts of the infrastructure such as networks, 
printers and scanners need to be taken into consideration. This is the only 
way to be able to offer a competitively priced service. Centralisation, in 
terms of services, such as email or data storage are also a major 
precondition because computational power is typically needed where the 
data is stored. If data is distributed across multiple locations within the 
enterprise, a central Cloud will mean more organisational overhead. The 
other preconditions for using or building Cloud service take the much 
debated aspect of the terminal device, the network connection, details of 
security and, only to a minor extent, the manageability of the Cloud services 
into consideration. As mentioned many times in this book, Cloud services 
are manifold and are building the basis of many online offerings.  Any device 
capable of establishing a network connection to the service and running an 
application to process the data can access Cloud services. In terms of usable 
terminal devices, much focus is layed on the user experience today; with 
more attention on the quality of audio and video representation. This 
applies particularly with Private Cloud services, which typically provide 
classical computer services (Desktop as a Service) for users on an enterprise 
network, the terminal device has to be on a par with a standard PC. 
Notebook and Personal Computer 
The Notebook and the Personal Computer are still present in the Cloud 
environment. However, the technology these terminal devices use doesn't 
leverage all of the stated cost benefits offered by Cloud solution; thin client 
based solutions can achieve far better values here. 
Thinclients as a classical replacement for the Personal Computer are mainly 
used in enterprise environments that have decided to establish a private 
An expanded version of this chapter can be found under