Seite 11 - Cloud Migration Version 2012 english

the flight to Milan. In addition, there are costs for services that the airline 
takes advantage of, as for example passenger processing. However, as all 
passengers share the overall cost, the airline was able to offer you a ticket 
for a specific fixed price. While you must carry the full costs of your own car, 
you only pay for the flight booked, and can utilise the entire infrastructure 
of the airport and the aircraft.  
Individual solution or standard offer 
With the purchase of the ticket, you forgo the individuality of driving 
yourself, with the choice of flight you have accepted the standard service 
defined and offered by the airline for all passengers equally.  In this specific 
example, this means: The enormous investment in Cloud datacentres, 
network connectivity, software and hardware are shouldered by the Cloud 
service providers. Their core business is to make largely standardised 
services available to as many customers as possible over the network.  
On demand delivery  
When the demand for flights goes up, the airline increases its offer and uses 
more or larger machines.  Beyond that, the entire aviation industry reacts, 
opening more regional airports or expanding major hubs to deal with 
increased mobility in the future. This can be compared, on the one hand, to 
the ever‐growing supply of Cloud services in the entire IT industry, which 
follows this new trend by creating mega‐datacentres up to 17 football 
pitches in size: Everything is designed to cope with the flood of private and 
business data which is almost doubling every year.  
Last but not least: Security 
Travelling always involves certain risks, and with them come the attempts to 
prevent them as far as possible: The inability to drive without a valid license, 
speed limits, constant new standards for vehicle safety, security controls for 
technology, roads, i.e. infrastructure, and road users. Nevertheless, despite 
these attempts, accidents cannot be ruled out, a fact everyone is aware of.  
When driving on the road, your security lies, at least in part, in your own 
hands, whilst as a flight passenger it is completely dependent on others. 
However, measured on the number of accidents, driving has far more 
incidents than any flight. Ultimately, the extremely high level of technical 
safety standards and international regulatory conditions ensure the high 
level of safety in the aviation industry.  
It is similarly the case concerning the security of Cloud computing. Despite 
all the current doom sayers. In comparison to internal, company‐run